Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The finest American export...

This picture is a direct rip-off of other photographers' work in my program. It is not as good as theirs.

Over the last few days, I've been working hard on getting my work in for classes. I'm fairly upset with the way that school has become so mundane and such a chore; I used to enjoy the process of learning. I feel, sometimes, that the American tendency to require a higher level of education is more a business than a real opportunity. I say this with the full knowledge that you can get out of it what you put in. Life experience is way more important, in my opinion, in the whole game of life thing than some of the things I've been taught. That could be the life experience that I need though. Maybe I'm not putting enough in, or maybe I'm just not the type of person to continue on a track, because I was born to blaze trails of my own.

A nice day to see graffiti by the South Bank.

Anyway, Andrew, my brother's friend from high school, moved to Winchester, and I met up with him and showed him around London. It was pretty cool. We drank beers by the South Bank and watched street performers as they dazzled tourists by the London Eye. We also went to Leake Street, where street art / graffiti is legal and there are often people spraying the walls with their art. It's rumored that Banksy once covered the walls in his loveliness, and I found a Faile piece that had been covered maybe three times. Regardless, it was pretty cool.

We watched the presidential debates, and well, I'm still up in the air. McCain said nothing that piqued my interest, and Barack Obama continued to attack McCain and undermine himself, appearing cocky rather than confident, arrogant rather than self-assure. I am such a firm believer in the fact that he can do a superb job, as he rallied my spirit in his closing remarks about restoring the reputation of the nation, and I hope that he continues to prove to America that he is worth his weight in gold. The alternative is, of course, a horribly dense woman from Alaska in the White House instead of a capable, open-minded, well-educated black man and a Syracuse Alum.

Brian Skiba, the moment he realized Phish, his favorite band, was going back on tour.

Today, however, Brian Skiba arrived. He is very excited because Phish just announced a reunion tour. It's been argued that democracy is America's finest export. I, however, feel that Brian Skiba is the finest American export. His gentle looks and his kind smile remind me of my childhood and make me giggle like a schoolboy hopped up on pixie stix. When he laughs, it is like hearing a chorus of angels. When I grow up, I'd like to be half the man that he is, or a pirate, or a ninja, or the Lord of the Rings.

Tomorrow, the roommates, minus me, go to Amsterdam, leaving me with the house to myself, and a few days of what can be considered as "alone time" and "heaven." I'm so excited, more for the peace and quiet, than anything else. I've printed out a bunch of resumés and hope to have a job by this time Saturday.

Music I Like This Week:
Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
Bajofondo Tango Club - El Andén
The Beatles - Real Love
Beck - Debra

If I Were You I'd Pay Attention To:
Persepolis, in real life!
Donald Trump will find it harder to build view-obstructing apartments now...
European perspectives!
A sweet new animation, for my brother.


Andrew Burton said...

about your first photo - that other photog is a dork-tard, your photo kicks ass. plus your image is way better. and you have upstanding morals and good looks - he doesnt have those

Matt Levin said...

The most important thing about this post is that you include links to "Awesome God" and "Windowlicker." Two of the most awesome songs in the world.

But you are missing the incredibly awesome four minute intro to Windowlicker:

Fuck you, homes.

dave said...

Levin, of course I have seen the video. I posted the MP3. The video is Chris Cunningham's best.